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Protect you child on the net


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As a parent , help keep kids safe on internet, make use of Amber Alert, cyber patrol, Iway Patrol and Net Nanny,  Surf Safety For Children - child protection on the web

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◊ Surf Safety For children ◊

Child protection on the world wide web


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Surf Safety for Children

Surf Safety for Children

To donate free food at The Hunger Site - please click the link opposite

To donate free food at The Hunger Site - please click the link opposite

To donate free food at The Hunger Site - please click the link opposite


Code Amber Alert helps to find missing children

Missing People United Kingdom - missing children and adults in the UK, can you help?  Click here to see them

As a parent, there are simple precautions we can take to ensure our child's well-being and safety on the internet
Links to child safety programs, Cyber Patrol and Net Nanny are below

As a parent , help keep kids safe on internet Protect Your Child on The Net

  • Surf with your children. Take the time to see what they're doing online and what their interests are
  • Encourage children to adopt what they know about safety to the online world
  • Teach children never to give out any kind of personal information to people they meet online, in email nor in public places like chat rooms and bulletin boards
  • Instruct your children never to plan a face-to-face meeting alone with an online acquaintances.   If they are invited to a meeting, make sure they get your permission first; that they go with you or an adult family member and they always stay in a public place
  • If your child receives offensive or dangerous email or other communication, tell him/her not to respond and to tell you straight away
  • Alert your Internet Service Provider immediately.  Any kind of illegal activities directed at children should be reported at once to your local authorities
  • Establish clear ground rules about Internet use for your children
  • Decide whether or not to use parental control tools or protective software.     Some useful links are provided below
  • Ask service providers about parental control tools, or computer stores about "child safety software" to block, restrict, monitor and review children's activities online
  • Place your computer in the family room or another open area of your home.
  • Or use the computer together at your local community centre, school or library.
  • These simple measures will help keep you involved while your child is online
How a parent can help keep kids safe on the internet

Our children have the right to remain children, and the right to be safe

Sadly we cannot afford to forget there are some very strange people out there

Snowflakes are one of nature's most fragile things,  but just look at what they can do when they stick together

So are our kids. Let's stick together to give them a better world

These links may help you:
Cyber Patrol         Net Nanny

Bronze Awards are awarded only
to selected web sites of very high quality

Before you go, please help donate free food?

Donate free food at TheHungerSite

In the time it takes you to read these few words, a child under 5 has died needlessly of starvation
But before you shrug your shoulders and turn away, would you please spare a few moments of your time and help me do something about it?

I promise you it won't cost you a penny

All I'm asking you to do is click a couple of links to donate free food at the Hunger Site

That's it, nothing more

By doing so, you'll provide 1 cup of staple food for 1 child
Pass the word to just a few of your friends, and you'll be giving that child the chance to eat today
Donate free food by clicking with me once daily at the Hunger Site, and think how many tomorrows we could give
The Hunger Site was launched in June 1999
On average, over 220,000 individuals from around the world visit the site each day to click the yellow "Help Feed The Hungry" button
To date, more than 200 million visitors have given more than 300 million cups of staple food

(~: THANK YOU :~)

As a parent , help keep kids safe on internet, make use of Amber Alert, cyber patrol and Net Nanny

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surf safety for children | child protection | code amber| Cyber Patrol | Net Nanny | free stuff | The Hunger Site | Donate Free Food

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