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get paid to read email  programs


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Make money with these free to join International Get Paid To Read Email Affiliate Programs: 1centmail (PTP), Aquamails (PTP), CastlesOracle, Deep-C-Links (PTP), Hits4Pay, My-PTR, NightOwlPTR & WallabyMail - Honest reviews with facts up front compliments of miladyann


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excellent INTERNATIONAL get paid to read email affiliate programs

Star Site - One of the best paid to read email programs out there! Easy to reach cash out, webmaster pays fast. Paid to Read Email Star Sites  Star Site - One of the best paid to read email programs out there! Easy to reach cash out, webmaster pays fast.
Easy to reach cash out without referrals, webmaster pays fast


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 FREE STUFF for referrals




PayPal charge receiving fees - the fee is automatically deducted by PayPal from the total amount you receive

The PayPal receiving fee will vary depending on the country you are living in and the country the payment is being sent from

Generally it is 2.9% + 30 cents per transaction (for those living in the UK it is 3.9% + 30 cents)

Some programs listed on this site absorb these fees so you receive your full earnings, the majority do not

Be aware of PayPal receiving fees before you request cashout by PayPal

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paid to read emails
PTP Paid to Promote
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Make money with these free to join International Get Paid To Read Email Affiliate Programs: Aquamails, DreamMails, Hits4Pay, ShowcasePTRl. Honest reviews with facts up front compliments of miladyann
Vote for this Site

Make money with these free to join International Get Paid To Read Email Affiliate Programs:  Archerfish, 1centmail, Aquamails, DreamMails, Hits4Pay, ShowcasePTR and WallabyMail. Honest reviews with facts up front compliments of miladyann

Affiliate programs:
ShowcasePTR PTP

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excellent INTERNATIONAL get paid to read email affiliate programs

    $$$$  Hot-Rods-PTR ~ ALSO  PTC (Paid to Click) & PTP (Paid to Promote) $0.30 per 1000 (2 PTP links for free members)
International get paid to read email program launched in 2005 and under new ownership in 2010 and sold again to Eric in February 2020
An excellent free affiliate program with well-stocked PTC sections, personal and affiliate pages available
2 free Paid to Promote pays 30 cents per thousand and a points PTP for free members

Upgraded PTP pays $0.50 per thousand, upgraded members can use all 3 PTP links
Make money at Hot-Rods-PTR with 1 referral level:  Directs = 15%
Minimum cashout = $3 via Serve (USA only) and Amazon eGift Card in US Dollars only
Earning tip 1:  Members from tier 1 & 2 countries should visit the Tier 1 & 2 PTC sections daily for higher value links
Earning tip 2:  All members should visit the Affiliate Page Section daily - 5 links with total value of 1/10c
Earning tip 3:  Free members at
Hot-Rods-PTR can promote 2 PTP links, one pays cash and one points to help boost earnings - points can be used for advertising
Hot-Rods-PTR members must click a minimum of 100 paid links each month in order to use the PTP option and have 5% in personal earnings to cash out PTP earnings
NOTE: Be aware that Hot-Rods-PTR members must be 25% as active as their downline to earn from them
A similar restriction may be found across this family of sites - you have no control over the activity/inactivity of your referrals
With no notification on the site of whether or not you qualify to earn from your refs, any program imposing this restriction is open to dishonesty
It is unwise to purchase referral advertising for any site with a referral activity restriction
You can check for details here: top left are the referral and activity details
Monitor the details CashCrusader sites by adding " /scripts/runner.php " to the end of any domain name

Star Site - RainingCashEmails is one of the better paid to read email programs out there!    $$$$   RainingCashEmails ~  ALSO PTC (Paid to Click) PAID TO PROMOTE IS FOR UPGRADED MEMBERS ONLY
International get paid to read email affiliate program with paid to click launched in 2004 and taken over on 17 February 2018 to form part of the Dawn Scarleta family of sites
Payment Tip: When you join other sites owned by this program owner, you can combine your payment requests with 3 other sites (
Youve-Got-Ads and OldAmsterdamPost) - you will be paid in one transaction, which will reduce your receiving fees substantially
NOTE: PTP IS FOR UPGRADED MEMBERS ONLY - UPGRADES START AT $5 for 6 months which allow you to promote 2 Paid to Promote (PTP) links paying up to 60 cents per thousand + 10 cents per thousand no tiers     5% personal earnings are required to use PTP feature
Affiliate pages are available - they pay 20 cents per thousand
Free onsite games include Random Cash - win cash daily with just one click
Points at RainingCashEmails can be used for advertising
Make money with 1 referral level:  Directs = 10%
Minimum RainingCashEmails cash out = $3 by Skrill, Serve for US only, and Amazon Gift Cards
Free upgrade (12 months) Free Upgrade for the first 250 members, must request via the contact option
Free upgrade consists of:
2500 Banner Impressions + 1 x Cheap Cheap Cash Email for 100 Clicks + 1 x Hangman PTC for 100 clicks + 1 Contest PTC for 100 clicks
NOTE: Be aware that RainingCashEmails members must be 25% as active as their downline to earn from them
Apart from
OldAmsterdamPost (above), similar restriction may be found across this family of sites - you have no control over the activity/inactivity of your referrals
With no notification on the site of whether or not you qualify to earn from your refs, any program imposing this restriction is open to dishonesty
It is unwise to purchase referral advertising for any site with a referral activity restriction
You can check for details here: top left are the referral and activity details
Monitor the details CashCrusader sites by adding " /scripts/runner.php " to the end of any domain name


    $$$$  ShowcasePTR   ~ Also Get Paid to Click & FREE PTP (Paid To Promote) pays $0.25  International
Established International get paid to read email affiliate program launched 3 January 2006, joined Heather's family of sites in 2017 and sold to Cathryn (LadyMawwad) on 08 December 2018 and sold again to Eric Garnier in February 2020
ShowcasePTR has well-stocked paid to click sections with cash and points - points can be used for upgrades and advertising but cannot be converted to cash
PTP (Paid To Promote) is for free for all members and pays $0.25 per 1,000 Credits
Without PTP, earning the minimum to cash out at ShowcasePTR can be a long process
Upgraded members can use both the free PTP link and the upgraded PTP link
Members must have a 3% in personal earnings versus PTP earnings to request payment
NOTE: Unlike other sites offering PTP, there is nothing at ShowcasePTR to show what your percentage is, so calculate carefully or you risk losing out
Make money with 1 referral level:  Directs = 17%
Minimum cash out = $1 via Serve or eGift Card, other payment options available, see site for details
Earning tip:  Visit the Cash Personal Pages and Affiliate Page section daily for more cash links
Payment Tip: Receiving fees apply to some payments - when you join other sites owned by this program owner, you can combine your payment requests - you will be paid in one transaction, which will reduce your receiving fees substantially

 ShowcasePTR members must log in at least once every 90 days to remain active click and have at least $0.03 in personal earnings for each $1 in PTP earnings to get paid
NOTE: The is no activity requirement to earn from your referrals at ShowcasePTR or any of the other programs across this family of sites, therefore purchasing advertising to promote your ShowcasePTR referral link can improve your earnings


    $$$$  VineyardOfCash ~ Also Get Paid to Click  Tier 1 & 2 only
VineyardOfCash is open to all English reading citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom & United States
This program owner also owns CathouseMails, KoolKlickins, LucusLinks and Surfin4
Well-stocked paid to click sections at
VineyardOfCash paying in both cash and points and plenty of paid to read emails but be aware that there are fewer cash value links than point value links - convert points to cash on the "Redemption Page" or use for ads
Point link values vary from 1 point to 12 points each and the owner's cash / point ratio for PTP purposes is 3,750 points to 1 cent so for a better return consider using points for advertising
Make money with 1 referral level:  Directs = 20%
You must be at least 20% as active as your downline to get commission from downline clicks, but there is no way for you to know your referral activity!
You are advised to read the
VineyardOfCash terms very carefully to be sure you understand the rules 
Minimum cash out at
VineyardOfCash = $10 - by PayPal, Skrill and Crypto FEES APPLY ON ALL - see site for options
Note: Be sure you understand the terms for Upgrades and Affiliate Page usage before purchase
Earning tip:  Visit the Cash Personal Pages and Affiliate Page section daily to find more cash links
Note: VineyardOfCash members must click a minimum of 1 link per month to remain active; 100 links (either emails or paid to clicks) to maintain affiliate page privileges

NOTE: Be aware that VineyardOfCash members must be 20% as active as their downline to earn from them - you have no control over the activity/inactivity of your referrals
With no notification on the site of whether or not you qualify to earn from your refs, any program imposing this restriction is open to dishonesty
It is unwise to purchase referral advertising for any site with a referral activity restriction
You can check for details here: top left are the referral and activity details
Monitor the details CashCrusader sites by adding " /scripts/runner.php " to the end of any domain name

AVOID PAYPAL RECEIVING FEES with these programs which absorb fees/charge you prior to payment when they pay by PayPal:





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